Your probably about to start your period again. Its been a month since your period and you havent had sex since then your most likely fine. All those signs could be ovulation or pms. Not just pregnancy and not all women get the classic symptoms. I did with my son, with my daughter nothing till later in pregnancy.
Just use protection next time and get on BCYoung Pregnant Girl in Dire Advice?
You're not pregnant.
If you know your cycles well and they are usually regular, and you had your period at the right time, you are not.
If you were pregnant you would definitely know, I kept up on my cycles and knew when I ovulated and I could just feel that I was pregnant 2 weeks later, took a test and definitely was!
If you are worried though, just take another test. But you should be fine.
If you've had a negative pg test and a period, you're not pg. You can take another test but you are just making yourself paranoid.
Please go on birth control. Timing your ovulation is not that effective. Especially because of your age, there's no guarantee that's regular.
GO see your doctor I didn't realize I was pregnant with my son til I was 8 weeks along.
Just to be safe see your doctor..
If you don't want your family to know you can always go to a clinic most of them do free pregnancy test and also if you aren't pregnant they can give you birth control.
Good Luck
I would first of all take another pregnancy test - make sure you do it in the morning, first thing when you wake up (i've heard that's the best time to do it). Secondly, if you're still not sure, go to the doctor and get a test done. You want to do this ASAP so you still have options and can be put on vitamins and everything. The first three - six months are CRUCIAL.
Good luck!
You should try taking another test, they are most accurate 2 weeks after your missed period. And another question is where you using protection, and using it properly. Your best bet is to take another test, And please be careful
Take a test to make sure you aren't pregnant, but if you had a normal period, then you aren't pregnant.
You had your period. You're not pregnant.
possible. but not likely since you got your period.
You had your period and you're not pregnant.
if you take a pregnancy test too early, it will read negative even if you are pregnant. It measures the amount of HCG hormone in your urine, and that takes time to build up to a high enough level for the test to notice it in your urine. So just go buy another test and try it again. If it's negative, learn your lesson from this. You can't depend on your ovulation date as good birth control, it's not, cause our bodies don't always follow schedules, they sometimes get a little out of whack and you could be ovulating early, late, or on time, you just never know. Use better birth control.
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