Sunday, August 22, 2010

Girl problems need advice?

well i've known this chick for awhile she figured out i liked her and i sed i just want u as a buddy and the next day she was all smily she has problems with her ex they broke up and she was sad i comforted her then she got back wqith him then i made a bullentin saying haha chicks are hiliraious then they broke up now she has been flirting w/me agfter that but then she says ';ha'; and one time haha goodnight your wierd idk im mixed up chicks are so confusingGirl problems need advice?
Yep! You're right about that one... Girls are confusing.. and I should know because I am one! I am the type of person who is straightforward and sensitive and stuff like that, but many girls I would say choose to be confusing because they want you to notice them. I don't always let guys know, but if I like them , I'll hint at them or joke about liking them when the truth is i'm in love with them... Right now this girl may be in a bit of shock if this happened just recently so give it time. As well, most girls are very sensitive so when you comforted her, that was a good sign if she took it and not pushed it away, but since she is in a rough patch in her relationship I advise you not to make anything more difficult and if she wants to talk listen to her and look at her eyes not her ';area.';

Hope I helped! :DGirl problems need advice?
well..... me myslf and i say she likes u but since she already told u she didnt she thinks it would be weird! and that comin froma girl! so yea thats my look on it!
i see your problem. well the question really is do you like her more then a friend? if so let her know she seems to be showing you signs of interest. if you just want to be friends keep it up and do what your doing.
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