Thursday, August 19, 2010

Having girl problems any advice?

ok so me and my gf broke up about a week ago. we were ';talking'; for about a month and then we started dating. everything was fine and we never really fought but then things kinda got wierd because it started getting hard to see each other outside of school because things kept comin up and getting in the way. then, to make things worse she got grounded for 2 weeks and isnt allowed to do anything. so she was texting me one day and was saying how she thinks shes being a bad gf and that she doesnt think she can handle a relationship right now but she still wanted to be friends. i still really like her but i honestly havent seen or talked to her for a week now since wer on spring break. i texted her twice but she never responded. she is still grounded as far as i know so i really dont know what to do. it would be kinda wierd bein friends with her now since once we met each other a few days later we were talking so we were never really on the ';friends'; level. im real confused...any advice?Having girl problems any advice?
How old is she?

Im going to tell you straaiightt up what I think just dont take it too hard please..

Well, if ';things'; kept coming up, was she the one always busy? and then now suddenly grounded?

She may be looking for excuses not to be in the relationship because shes scared of it..

I've been in love with 2 people that i have dated and at the beginning of the relationship I did everything to try and get away from it.. but in time I ended up CRAZY inlove and not even being able to picture myself out of the relationship.

If you guys date again, just make sure you dont make it all about lovey dovey couple always wanting to hold her hand and kiss her.. just chill and hang out with her get to know her more on a friend level even if your dating.Having girl problems any advice?
Call round to her house and say you need to give er some homework to the parents and the when you see her give her a letter you wrote before about how you just wanna talk because you really like her and want to see her soon
dont be her friend, she clearly didnt love you as much as she said she did, give it time and try to get over her.
that would piss me off. lol. i wouldnt be friends with her..

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