Monday, August 23, 2010

FINDING A GIRL....A little advice would

ok so i am 20 years old and i have really never had a real i mean ive had very small flings and ';sorta'; gf but not kinda shy But i do know how to talk to girls and stuff so my question is- since its been like 2 years that i have been looking and ive found no one. But each time i find a girls that has very good potential, im not i not look for a while and do as the old saying goes: she will find you? or should i keep on looking...its just funny that When im truly not looking for anyone, i find a person, and when i am looking i dont. its hard not to look when i havent had a should i stop looking for awhile or keep on looking?? i mean i do have small on girls but nothing there compared to what ive found when im not looking. AdviceFINDING A GIRL....A little advice would
I think that when you are actively looking, there is an element of having another agenda in your relationships with women, meaning that you may not be acting like your true self, or you may project to others that your first priority is dating. When you aren't looking, you are doing what you normally do and acting how you really are, which will attract others. Not looking all the time will allow your interactions to be spontaneous and natural. Good luck!FINDING A GIRL....A little advice would
If you stop looking don't expect it to come to you. Try be friendly with everyone no matter who they are. Old, young, man, woman, whoever is there no matter how ugly or good looking just be as friendly as possible. Things will eventually click into place and when they do ask for the number of someone who you find interesting.

While you are talking to total strangers you'll see it get easier and easier with girls too. So head into your local Walmart and start talking with people you find non-threatening like elderly people or guys playing the video games. You are looking for strangers. You don't have to talk to everyone but things will come up where you could translate your thoughts into vocalizations. Go for it! Start those conversations. Guess what happens when you are near girls and things pop into your head you could say?

When you approach women don't leapfrog into thinking anything other than that little conversation. In fact, make a promise that you will not ask the first dozen girls or ask their phone number. You are just experimenting. If it doesn't get any easier than go for another dozen. You'll see it gettting easier and easier to talk with people. Get their number after an interesting conversation or if they don't give it that's ok.. You can find another. Believe in yourself.

Don't wait around doing nothing. That will get you...nothing.

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