Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Really really annoying girl bugging me? Advice?

So there's this girl. She's in my art class. She thinks she's the best at painting, and, honestly, I'd have to say, she is pretty good, but not the best. Somehow, none of us have said anything, but it's obvious that we're kinda... competing. I know, it's really stupid. We kinda avoid eachother but somehow keep competing with ';who is better.'; We both got voted into the Artist's Competition (an art contest for our school that students choose the competitors) and she thinks she's going to end up with more votes than me. She brags all the time and everyone loves her art, and I get average art views. I don't know why... our art is kinda the same, we both have the same amount of talent. But I just don't get why she's trying to be all ';better than me.'; I have to admit, lots of times she's very nice, but other times she's just obnoxious and annoying. Ugh, she's getting on my nerves and I just want to... punch her in the face sometimes. She gets ideas from me and gives me no credit whatsoever. How do I get her to stop bragging and how do I tell her to politely stop competing with me? Thanks so much... and again, she gets mad easily... I need to go easy on her.Really really annoying girl bugging me? Advice?
omg!! this sounds just like this one girl in my art class 2 years ago! she would wait to start all her paintings, sculptures, drawings ect. until i was like halfway thru mine and then she'd copy me. but she would always make her a little bit different than mine and still take the credit for my idea.

just focus on ur artwork. pay no attention to her annoying comments and just stay away from her.if you can, dont do you work in front of her and dont let her see it, thats what i did and my annoying ';friend'; stopped copying meReally really annoying girl bugging me? Advice?
Don't let her steal your ideas first of all. Ask if you can be like moved if you have tables or something. What I did is I wrote down what she did for like a month and then sign it. After you get other people to sign it.You give to a teacher and then hopefully you get her in trouble.

Hope I Helped!! (The same thing happened to me)
Stop giving her ideas! If she asks for your oppion or an idea say ';I don't know'; very blankly which will annoy her. And when she talks about being better then you tell her that alot of artist are better then you both. Give her a plain blank attitude and she'll stop.
Why the heck would you give her ideas, of course shes

not gonna give you credit if you guys are sorta competing

and to get her to stop just completely ignore her she'll

stop eventually
well honestly i would just try talking to her .. but if you dont want to do that there are other options too.. try to stay away from her as much as possible.. dont completely ignore her so that she doesnt get mad.. as for the art things.. you can talk to more people and let them know that you have a beautiful talent also.. only thing is dont stoop down to her level.. because it has happened to me a lot that i just want to punch someone in the face.. but ask yourself this ';would that really make everything better?'; that is what makes me stop punching people.. i hope this helps.. Good Luck :D

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